Houzz Pro Reviews

Thousands of contractors and design professionals rely on Houzz Pro to better run their business. Don’t just take our word for it: we have collected reviews of Houzz Pro software from across the web. Follow the links to read thoughtful assessments of Houzz Pro from users in their own words, and on their own sites.


J. Montgomery Designs

"First impressions are important”

“[...] and in the competitive field of Landscape Architecture, we find that they make all the difference. That’s why Houzz Pro is our go-to platform when it comes to our online marketing, initial client connections and communication. For nearly a decade, we have used Houzz for our online portfolios, showcasing our projects and building credibility with our clients and fellow trade professionals."

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Duffek Design & Development

"We are able to streamline our organizational protocols”

“We joined Houzz Pro to make sure that we were using the most up-to-date software to fully automate our business. By using Houzz Pro, we are able to streamline our organizational protocols and really focus more on the business of designing and less on the business of paperwork!"

Read the full Houzz Pro review

Open House Staging

"Sooo easy to respond and connect."

“Back in the day when we started our business very few business tools were at our finger tips. Your leads and inquiries come into your mailbox. Sooo easy to respond and connect."

Read the full Houzz Pro review

Heather Cleveland Design

"How did I go this long not using this tool?

The feedback that I have received from my clients about how organized and seamless things are has been very encouraging."

Read the full Houzz Pro review
Trusted by 3 Million+ Contractors and Design Pros

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